SQL~~一個較複雜的表格聯結 (join) 範例
在這個 table join 範例中,使用了 inner join, cross join, full outer join, 以 AS 將 sub-select 視為 table 再 join ,以及 group, case 等用法。這個範例雖然很長,但只是一句 SQL 查詢。拆開來是跑不出結果的。
此範例實際上取自我為了我任職的公司所寫的一個進銷存報表程式。我目前任職的公司,採用國內 飛X 公司所設計的零售業進銷存 POS 系統。這個範例中的表格及欄位名稱,直接對應該 POS 系統。另外,我是用 PHP 寫這隻報表程式,所以範例中嵌有 PHP 的變數名稱。此報表程式係依據進貨表格 (pos204) 、銷貨表格 (pos324) 及庫存表格 (product_stock) 中的貨品數量,計算出本期的期末庫存。表格 produt_stock 是我新增的,原先飛X 設計的 POS 系統中,並沒有這個表格。
case when tStock_In.shop is NULL then tSale_qty.shop else tStock_In.shop end as shop,
case when tStock_In.prod is NULL then tSale_qty.prod else tStock_In.prod end as prod,
pos110.pname, pos110.pluno, pos116.lprc,
case when tStock_In.stock_qty is NULL then 0 else tStock_In.stock_qty end as pre_stock_qty,
case when tStock_In.in_qty is NULL then 0 else tStock_In.in_qty end as in_qty,
case when tSale_qty.sale_qty is NULL then 0 else tSale_qty.sale_qty end as sale_qty,
when tSale_qty.sale_qty is NULL then (tStock_In.stock_qty + tStock_In.in_qty)
when tStock_In.stock_qty is NULL and tStock_In.in_qty is NULL then -tSale_qty.sale_qty
else (tStock_In.stock_qty + tStock_In.in_qty - tSale_qty.sale_qty) end as new_stock_qty
( select
case when tStock_qty.shop is NULL then tInqty.shop else tStock_qty.shop end as shop,
case when tStock_qty.prod is NULL then tInqty.prod else tStock_qty.prod end as prod,
case when tStock_qty.stock_qty is NULL then 0 else tStock_qty.stock_qty end as stock_qty,
case when tInqty.in_qty is NULL then 0 else tInqty.in_qty end as in_qty
from (
select product_stock.shop, product_stock.prod, product_stock.stock_qty
from product_stock where supp = '{$supp}' and grade_date = '{$grade_date}'
) as tStock_qty
full outer join
( select pos204.shop, pos116.prod, cast(sum(pos204.inqty) as integer) as in_qty
from pos116
inner join pos204
on pos116.prod = pos204.prod and pos204.indate >= '{$sdate}' and pos204.indate <= '{$edate}' and pos204.gctrl = '4'
where pos116.supp = '{$supp}' and pos116.ano = '{$ano}'
group by pos204.shop, pos116.prod
) as tInqty
on tStock_qty.shop = tInqty.shop and tStock_qty.prod = tInqty.prod
) as tStock_In
full outer join
( select pos324.shop, pos324.prod, sum(pos324.qty) as sale_qty
from pos324
inner join pos116
on pos324.prod = pos116.prod and pos116.ano = '{$ano}' and pos116.supp = '{$supp}'
where pos324.ecrdate >= '{$sdate}' and pos324.ecrdate <= '{$edate}'
group by pos324.shop, pos324.prod
) as tSale_qty
on tStock_In.shop = tSale_qty.shop and tStock_In.prod = tSale_qty.prod
inner join (pos110
inner join pos116
on pos110.prod = pos116.prod and pos116.ano = '{$ano}' and pos116.supp = '{$supp}')
on tStock_In.prod = pos116.prod or tSale_qty.prod = pos116.prod
order by tStock_In.shop, tStock_In.prod;
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