最近更新: 2010-04-19


今天聯合報從 Telegraph 取材了一篇高盛弊案的重要關係人物 Fabrice Tourre 的報導。該篇報導摘錄了 Fabrice 與朋友間的一封郵件內容。我覺得這篇郵件的內容, Fabrice 說出了難得的實話,故一併搜尋到原文內容,摘錄於此。引為己誡。


編譯 朱小明/報導,聯合報,民國九十九年四月十九日,A2版

"More and more leverage in the system. The whole building is about to collapse anytime now ... Only potential survivor, the fabulous Fab[rice Tourre] ... standing in the middle of all these complex, highly leveraged, exotic trades he created without necessarily understanding all of the implication of those monstruosities [sic]!!!"

By James Quinn, US Business Editor in New York. Telegraph. Published: BST 16 Apr 2010
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