最近更新: 2006-10-04

Zend Framework 入門文章@developerWorks

在 PHP 社群中, Zend Framework 是最具 PHP 官方色彩的 framework ,雖然還在發展階段,但已足夠應付常見的應用程式需求。 developerWorks 刊載了 Zend Framework 入門連載,全系列文章尚未完結。

Understanding the Zend Framework
  • Part 1: The basics
    This article, which explains the project in general and the Zend Framework.
    简体中文版: 理解 Zend 框架,第 1 部分: 基础
  • Part 2: Adding a database
    This tutorial shows how to use the Zend_DB module to create and manipulate the central database used to store subscription information, as well as saved entries and other information.
  • Part 3: The feeds
    Now we add feeds into the equation, enabling the user to create an account, subscribe to particular feeds, and display those feeds. This tutorial uses the Zend_Feed and Zend_Inputfilter modules, the latter used to verify e-mail addresses and to strip HTML tags from feed entries.
  • Part 4: When there is no feed: the Zend_HTTPClient
    Not all sites have feeds, but it's still useful to track everything in one place. This article shows how to use the Zend_HTTPClient module to create a proxy to pull data into the feed reader interface.
  • Part 5: Creating PDF files
    This tutorial explains how to use the Zend_PDF module to enable the user to create a customized PDF of saved articles, images, and search results.
  • Part 6: Sending e-mail
    This article explains how to use the Zend_Mail module to alert users to new posts and subscribed feeds, and even to send those posts using HTML e-mail.
  • Part 7: Searching
    This article explains how to use the Zend_Search module to search existing current and saved blog entries for a particular search term and return ranked results.
  • Part 8: Adding related information and services
    This tutorial explains how to use the Zend_Service modules to pull in information from other services -- specifically Amazon, Flickr, and Yahoo! The interface will use Ajax to pull books, photos, and search results related to a current blog entry or from a search term the user clicks.
  • Part 9: Adding Ajax
    The Zend Framework makes it easy to add Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) interactions to your application by automatically translating native PHP objects to and from JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). This article shows how to add this functionality to the feed reader. It also includes a basic description of JSON.
  • 閱讀上列入門文章時,也請參考 Zend Framework Manual ,了解各功能的詳細內容。在「Framework of PHP5」中,我介紹了其他的 PHP framework 。

    樂多舊網址: http://blog.roodo.com/rocksaying/archives/2235191.html